Gosh...This is coming after such trouble. :)
So, there are so many issues to tackle here. But I'm quite interested in the fact that there aren't much lobbying from the civil society for introducing sexual and reproductive health in school curricula. Having such a curricula can pave the way to elevating the issue of providing universal access to information and education on a national level.
When it comes to limited time and resources, I would believe that targeting teachers and educators with workshops to sensitize the issue of sexual and reproductive health can be on importance in the long way to lobby for sexual education programs.
What an interesting issue! The Sexual and reproductive health education curriculum that exist in many countries particularly developing countries are not well articulated to reach the needs of adolescents and most often miss lead them thus the curriculum are developed to suit the society's expectations and the cultures that exist in the society hence making it rather difficult for young people to access sexual and reproductive health services within friendly environments.
It seems like cultural norms around sexuality are a major barrier to increasing young people's awareness about HIV/AIDS in Lebanon.
It sounds to me like some awareness raising work may be needed to create a supportive environment for sexuality education. Who would you need to reach? What might it take to get their support?
Very well thought out tree Ahmad! Comprehensive sexuality education is not practised very well on most places in the world. As Lia pointed out, most of often this is due to cultural norms... which you have well articulated in your tree. How do you think you could work with faith communities in Lebanon to understand that providing options for young people in education is a more compassionate than not doing so? You might be interested in some of the work of these organizations, they may have some strategies for addressing HIV in the context of primarily Muslim countries:
Positive Muslims
Islamic Relief:
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
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